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Meetings and Activities

(For a calendar of events, members are invited to sign in to the password-protected section and review the "Pineapple Planner" in the current edition of the newsletter.)

Amelia Island Chapter, NSDAR 2021 - 2025
Scripture: Kind Words Are Like Honey, Sweet to the Soul.  Proverbs 16:24


The chapter meets on the third Wednesday of each month from September through May, unless otherwise stated.

Each regular meeting of the chapter includes the DAR Ritual, Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, the Americans Creed, the Preamble to the Constitution, the National Anthem, a message from the President General, a National Defense message and a presentation by a speaker on a subject relating to the mission of NSDAR.

Parliamentary procedures are observed.


Ways in which the Amelia Island Chapter, NSDAR, supports the NSDAR Objectives:

Historical Preservation

  • Dedicating, cleaning, and maintaining NSDAR markers:

    • commemorating the Revolutionary War Site on Amelia Island, Florida

    • on the known Patriot graves in Nassau County

    • at the Veterans Memorial at Central Park in Fernandina Beach memorializing the five Patriots known to be buried in Nassau County

    • commemorating Egmont Plantation, a casualty of the American Revolutionary War at the Egan's Creek Park in Fernandina Beach with a marker.

  • Researching, publishing and digitizing genealogical records for placement in the NSDAR Library in Washington, DC, the FSSDAR collection at the Orlando Public Library in Orlando, Florida, the Florida State Archives, and the Fernandina Beach Public Library.

  • Donating books to the Amelia Island Chapter, NSDAR, collection in the Fernandina Beach Public Library.

  • Maintaining the grounds and memorial markers at the Vaughan Cemetary, burial place of John Vaughan, veteran of both the American Revolutionary War and the War of 1812.


  • Sponsoring the American History Essay Contest for 5th - 8th grade students in the Nassau County Schools.

  • Providing funds to the Nassau County Schools Adult and Alternative Education program earmarked for testing fees that students must otherwise pay out of pocket.

  • Sponsoring the DAR Good Citizen Contest, giving a monetary award to a high school senior in each of the four Nassau County schools.

  • Offering a scholarship to one graduating senior from each of the four public high schools in Nassau County each year.

  • Supporting NSDAR owned and supported schools throughout the country.

  • Supporting the Florida State Society state regent's project for education.

  • Partnering with Head Start classes in Fernandina Beach to provide books for students and support the reading program.

  • Participating in an annual field trip that explores regional historical or natural conservation sites.

  • Sponsoring local coffees and gatherings to educate the community and prospective members about association.


  • Witnessing the new United States Citizens at the Naturalization Court ceremony in the Federal Courthouse in Jacksonville, Florida.

  • Giving U.S. flags to local schools.

  • Retiring flags from our community and providing these retired flags to lie with deceased veterans at La Flora Mission.

  • Participating in the local Veterans Day Parade in recognition of those who served.

  • Commemorating Constitution Week and George Washington's Birthday with other chapters in northeast Florida.

  • Presenting an award to the outstanding JROTC Cadet in Nassau County.

  • Encouraging the city of Fernandina Beach to issue proclamations for Constitution Week, Flag Day, and Native American Heritage Month.

  • Commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam War by recognizing veterans in special ceremonies.

  • Participating in the local Memorial Day Observance.

  • Honoring local citizens with the Community Service Award, the Americanism Award, Women in the Arts Award, and the Women in American History Award.

  • Providing materials to local public and private schools, as well as county libraries, to educate and create awareness in support of Constitution Week.

  • Participating in conservation efforts to maintain our community's natural beauty.

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The content contained herein does not necessarily represent the position of the NSDAR. Hyperlinks to other sites are not the responsibility of the NSDAR, the state organizations, or individual DAR chapters.


Photo courtesy of a chapter member

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